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MySQL Database: Tips on Optimisation


When using MySQL Databases, there are two ways of optimising it and improving performance. The first way would be trying to get the best possible performance out of the hardware and software, with their configuration already set in place. Second option however, is to search for ways you can upgrade MySQL software, generate storage engines or hardware devices. This will help in boosting the ecosystem of your database. Here are some tips on how you can optimise your MySQL Database.

Optimising MySQL within the Database

A key factor that will determine the speed of your database application is its structural design. This is where you need to pay close attention to your database structure. Here are a few things you should look out for when potentially optimising for better performance. Keep a close eye on your columns as you must ensure they have the correct data. Same goes for tables, as they must have the proper columns for the type of work it requires.  In order to make queries more effective, correct indexes must be setup in place as well. When optimising for the right storage engine, the choice comes down to MyISAM a nontransactional engine and InnoDB a transactional engine.

Newer versions of MySQL come with InnoDB as a default engine, and will usually exceed in performance over MyISAM. Consider compressing your tables, as they require less disk space and reduce I/O disk usage for reading and writing data. Optimise and configure your memory in the areas such as MySQL query, InnoDB buffer poll or MyISAM key cache. This will ensure it is big enough to store data being accessed regularly, without the risk of physical memory overload that can result in paging.

Optimising MySQL within the Hardware

These are some of the areas that should be considered for optimisation within the hardware, if possible to achieve the full potential of your system and avoid slow performance and other issues. To improve the time your disk needs to find a piece of data, you should optimise for modern disks which can offer better search speed. Also you should allocate your data across multiple disks. Increasing CPU cycling speed can be easily done by having small tables instead of big. Small tables require less memory, resulting in faster CPU cycle.

Optimising your MySQL Database is something you should definitely think about doing. It will improve the overall speed, memory and overall effectiveness of your database. For any additional information or if you have any more questions about MySQL optimisation feel free to contact our team at


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